GHCL Limited

Sophos Addresses the Holistic Security Needs of a Leader in Chemicals & Textiles

Incorporated in 1983, GHCL Limited, a diversified group active in the chemicals, textiles and consumer Products segments has a marketing capitalization of around Rs. 3000 crores. In the chemicals sector, the company manufactures Soda Ash. Its end-to-end textile operations include weaving, dyeing, printing and processing right up until the finished product is delivered in the form of sheets and duvets, which are exported across the world. The company’s consumer product division manufactures and sells edible and industrial grade salt. Its manufacturing facilities are located across distributed locations, and from a security prerogative, this presented plenty of challenges. GHCL’s primary objective was to build an integrated cybersecurity infrastructure that delivered extensive security cover across its locations, and which could also be easily managed from a single location through a unified console.

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GHCL Limited