OXFORD, U.K. — Junio 3, 2019 —

Sophos (LSE: SOPH), a global leader in network and endpoint security, today announced that it has acquired Rook Security, a pioneer and leader in managed detection and response (MDR) services. Rook Security provides a 24/7 team of cyberthreat hunters and incident response experts who monitor, hunt for, analyze and respond to security incidents for businesses of all sizes. The privately-owned company was founded in 2008 and is headquartered in Indianapolis, Ind.

Sophos is creating re-sellable MDR services by combining Rook Security’s threat detection, investigation and response capabilities with its recently acquired DarkBytes technology platform. As a channel-first, channel-best security provider, Sophos will deliver the new MDR services through its network of approximately 47,000 channel partners worldwide.

“Cybercriminals are relentlessly trying to exploit organizations with techniques ranging from tried-and-true phishing emails to the more recent trend of ‘hacker pen-testing’ to find weaknesses in their surface area. As a result, businesses need 24/7 monitoring and management of what is happening on their network, yet many of them do not have the expertise, can’t keep up or don’t have the security teams in-house to optimally configure and manage security around-the-clock,” said Joe Levy, chief technology officer at Sophos. “With MDR, Sophos’ channel partners will be able to provide businesses of all sizes with expert services that continuously detect, hunt for and respond to security incidents.”

In addition, Sophos plans to align its synchronized security technology and product portfolio with Rook Security’s 24/7 services for MDR customers. Rook Security experts will also be able to review these customer security postures to ensure optimal policy configurations for Sophos products across estates.

“Rook Security provides managed detection and response services to detect and eliminate cyber threats. Through threat hunting and data analytics, Rook Security’s experts rapidly detect and mitigate active attacks,” said J.J. Thompson, founder and CEO, Rook Security. “We are excited to bring our experts and service delivery innovation to Sophos, a global leader in next-generation cybersecurity. Together, we can implement faster, more effective threat detection and response capabilities to better protect businesses.”

Sophos is releasing no further details at this time.

Acerca de Sophos

Sophos es un líder mundial e innovador de soluciones de seguridad avanzadas para derrotar a los ciberataques. La compañía adquirió Secureworks en Febrero 2025, uniendo a dos pioneros que han redefinido la industria de la ciberseguridad con sus innovadores servicios, tecnologías y productos nativos optimizados para IA. Sophos es ahora el mayor proveedor de Detección y Respuesta Gestionados (MDR), dando soporte a más de 28.000 organizaciones. Además de MDR y otros servicios, la cartera completa de Sophos incluye endpoint, red, correo electrónico y seguridad en la nube líderes en la industria que interoperan y se adaptan para defender a través de la plataforma Sophos Central. Secureworks ofrece el innovador Taegis XDR/MDR, líder del mercado, detección y respuesta a amenazas de identidad (ITDR), capacidades SIEM de última generación, riesgo gestionado y un conjunto completo de servicios de asesoramiento. Sophos vende todas estas soluciones a través de su red de partners, proveedores de servicios gestionados (MSP) y proveedores de servicios de seguridad gestionados (MSSP) en todo el mundo, defendiendo a más de 600.000 organizaciones en todo el mundo del phishing, ransomware, robo de datos y otros ciberdelitos state-sponsored cotidianos. Las soluciones se basan en la información sobre amenazas histórica y en tiempo real de Sophos X-Ops y la recién añadida Counter Threat Unit (CTU). Sophos tiene su sede en Oxford, Reino Unido. Más información en es.sophos.com.