OXFORD, U.K.  — Octubre 28, 2021 —

Sophos, a global leader in next-generation cybersecurity, has published an article, “The Top 10 Ways Ransomware Operators Ramp Up the Pressure to Pay,” detailing how ransomware attackers are implementing a wide range of ruthless pressure tactics to persuade victims to pay the ransom. The article is based on evidence and insight from Sophos’ Rapid Response team of 24/7 incident responders who help organizations under active cyberattack. It highlights the shift in ransomware pressure techniques from solely encrypting data to including other pain points, such as harassing employees.  

“Since organizations have become better at backing up their data and restoring encrypted files from backups, attackers are supplementing their ransom demands with additional extortion measures that increase the pressure to pay,” said Peter Mackenzie, director, Incident Response at Sophos. “For  example, the Sophos Rapid Response team has seen cases where attackers email or phone a victim’s employees, calling them by their name and sharing personal details they’ve stolen – such as any disciplinary actions or passport information – with the aim of scaring them into demanding their employer pays the ransom. This kind of behavior shows how ransomware has shifted from a purely technical attack targeting systems and data into one that also targets people.”

The article includes a recorded voicemail that a SunCrypt ransomware affiliate left for an employee of a targeted organization (published with the permission of the affected organization.)

How Attackers Ramp Up the Pressure to Pay

Below are the top 10 ways attackers are increasing pressure on their ransomware victims to get them to pay the ransom:

  1. Stealing data and threatening to publish or auction it online
  2. Emailing and calling employees, including senior executives, threatening to reveal their personal information
  3. Notifying or threatening to notify business partners, customers, the media, and more of the data breach and exfiltration  
  4. Silencing victims by warning them not to contact the authorities
  5. Recruiting insiders to help them breach networks
  6. Resetting passwords
  7. Phishing attacks targeting victim email accounts
  8. Deleting online backups and shadow volume copies
  9. Printing physical copies of the ransom note on all connected devices, including point of sale terminals  
  10. Launching distributed denial-of-service attacks against the target’s website

The article explains each tactic in more detail, with examples of ransomware groups that have deployed that tactic. The article also includes advice on what defenders can do to protect their organization and employees from attacker behaviors and cyberthreats in general.

Further information on attacker behaviors, real-world incident reports and advice for security operations professionals is available on Sophos News SecOps.

Tactics, techniques and procedures (TTPs), and more, for different types of ransomware are available on SophosLab Uncut, the home of Sophos’ latest threat intelligence.

Acerca de Sophos

Sophos es un líder mundial e innovador de soluciones de seguridad avanzadas para derrotar a los ciberataques. La compañía adquirió Secureworks en Febrero 2025, uniendo a dos pioneros que han redefinido la industria de la ciberseguridad con sus innovadores servicios, tecnologías y productos nativos optimizados para IA. Sophos es ahora el mayor proveedor de Detección y Respuesta Gestionados (MDR), dando soporte a más de 28.000 organizaciones. Además de MDR y otros servicios, la cartera completa de Sophos incluye endpoint, red, correo electrónico y seguridad en la nube líderes en la industria que interoperan y se adaptan para defender a través de la plataforma Sophos Central. Secureworks ofrece el innovador Taegis XDR/MDR, líder del mercado, detección y respuesta a amenazas de identidad (ITDR), capacidades SIEM de última generación, riesgo gestionado y un conjunto completo de servicios de asesoramiento. Sophos vende todas estas soluciones a través de su red de partners, proveedores de servicios gestionados (MSP) y proveedores de servicios de seguridad gestionados (MSSP) en todo el mundo, defendiendo a más de 600.000 organizaciones en todo el mundo del phishing, ransomware, robo de datos y otros ciberdelitos state-sponsored cotidianos. Las soluciones se basan en la información sobre amenazas histórica y en tiempo real de Sophos X-Ops y la recién añadida Counter Threat Unit (CTU). Sophos tiene su sede en Oxford, Reino Unido. Más información en es.sophos.com.