LAS VEGAS — Agosto 8, 2023 —

Sophos, a global leader in innovating and delivering cybersecurity as a service, today announced that Sophos X-Ops will lead three presentations at Black Hat and DEF CON, taking place this week in Las Vegas. Speaker presentations from Sophos Managed Detection and Response (MDR) security operations experts, threat researchers, data scientists, and more will share unique insights into threat intelligence and unveil research findings – including new ways in which adversaries are leveraging AI to carry out attacks. Speakers will also address how organizations can sharpen their defenses to stay protected.

Sophos X-Ops, the cross-operational task force that includes SophosLabs, Sophos SecOps and SophosAI, today also unveiled new threat intelligence, “Clustering Attacker Behavior Reveals Hidden Patterns,” identifying distinct connections between three of the most prominent ransomware groups this past year: Royal, Hive and Black Basta. Sophos X-Ops forensics of four different ransomware attack investigations show distinct similarities, suggesting the three groups are sharing either affiliates or highly specific technical details of their activities. Sophos is tracking and monitoring the attacks as a threat activity cluster that defenders can use to speed up detection and response times.

The line-up of speakers includes:

Sophos at Black Hat: Booth #2132 – Ongoing Through Black Hat

Wednesday, Aug. 9 at 1:50 p.m. PDT

View from the SOC: Avoiding Death by a Thousand Data Sources

Mat Gangwer, Sophos vice president of Managed Detection and Response

Dave Mareels, Sophos senior director of product management

Mandalay Bay, K


Sophos at DEF CON 

Friday, Aug. 11 at 12 p.m. PDT

You're Not George Clooney, and This Isn't Ocean's Eleven 

Andrew Brandt, Sophos principal researcher

Harrah’s, War Stories - For The Record


Saturday, Aug. 12 at 1:30 p.m. PDT

The Sinister Synergy of Advanced AI: Automatically Orchestrating Large-scale Scam Campaigns with Large Generative Models  

Ben Gelman, Sophos senior data scientist

Younghoo Lee, Sophos principal data scientist

Caesars Forum, AI Village

Media can contact for additional information about the sessions and the new threat activity cluster intelligence, and to arrange interviews with any of the researchers.

Acerca de Sophos

Sophos es un líder mundial e innovador de soluciones de seguridad avanzadas para derrotar a los ciberataques. La compañía adquirió Secureworks en Febrero 2025, uniendo a dos pioneros que han redefinido la industria de la ciberseguridad con sus innovadores servicios, tecnologías y productos nativos optimizados para IA. Sophos es ahora el mayor proveedor de Detección y Respuesta Gestionados (MDR), dando soporte a más de 28.000 organizaciones. Además de MDR y otros servicios, la cartera completa de Sophos incluye endpoint, red, correo electrónico y seguridad en la nube líderes en la industria que interoperan y se adaptan para defender a través de la plataforma Sophos Central. Secureworks ofrece el innovador Taegis XDR/MDR, líder del mercado, detección y respuesta a amenazas de identidad (ITDR), capacidades SIEM de última generación, riesgo gestionado y un conjunto completo de servicios de asesoramiento. Sophos vende todas estas soluciones a través de su red de partners, proveedores de servicios gestionados (MSP) y proveedores de servicios de seguridad gestionados (MSSP) en todo el mundo, defendiendo a más de 600.000 organizaciones en todo el mundo del phishing, ransomware, robo de datos y otros ciberdelitos state-sponsored cotidianos. Las soluciones se basan en la información sobre amenazas histórica y en tiempo real de Sophos X-Ops y la recién añadida Counter Threat Unit (CTU). Sophos tiene su sede en Oxford, Reino Unido. Más información en