OXFORD, U.K. — décembre 18, 2019 —

 Sophos (LSE: SOPH), a global leader in next-generation cybersecurity, today published the SophosLabs report MyKings: The Slow but Steady Growth of a Relentless Botnet, which details the morphing attack components of the globally-reaching MyKings cryptominer.

MyKings contains the perfect storm of attack methods highlighted in SophosLabs’ 2020 Threat Report – access through open remote services, botnets to orchestrate parts of the attack, and Living off the Land (LotL) to evade detection – that are used to drop cryptominers. The report covers the interaction between all of these components and their chain reaction to impact computers. The report also analyzes cybercriminal behaviors to further explain the characteristics of MyKings.

“High-end or nation-state sponsored cyberattackers have the resources to purchase or develop zero-day exploits themselves. On the flip side, low-end cybercriminals use cheap or free builder kits available in underground, dark web forums, but lack the skills to do anything except execute the builders,” said Gabor Szappanos, report author and threat research director, SophosLabs. “The MyKings group is in between these two categories; they are the ‘SMB of cybercrime.’ These criminals don’t invest money into expensive tools, but they have the skills and development power to modify and enhance open source components. Their modus operandi is to invest significant amounts of development time into customizing the public domain tools they are using. This is a reminder that cybercriminals are enhancing their capabilities all the time and defenders should adopt this mindset for best security practices.”

Below is an example of how the MyKings attackers enhanced the malware over time:

  • Some older variants of MyKings download an update from 
  • Subsequently, cybercriminals added support for the EternalBlue exploit into newer versions of MyKings. This functionality is not integrated into the spreader program, but rather exists as a separate executable, converted from Python scripts, that is downloaded and executed by the main spreader program.

Global Distribution

As indicated in the MyKings report, the worldwide activity map includes approximately 45,000 impacted hosts. Top countries include: China, Taiwan, Russia, Brazil, United States, India, and Japan. 

Worldwide MyKings Activity Map


Other Key Findings

  • The botnet can spread by attacking weak username/password combinations via MySQL, MSSQL, telnet, ssh, IPC, WMI, RDP, CCTV connections
  • The main payloads are the Forshare trojan and various Monero cryptominers
  • The botnet still mines about 5 XMR ($300), per day

Advice for Defenders

  • Keep computers up-to-date with security patches. MyKings uses EternalBlue which was patched two years ago
  • Change default passwords and apply strong, unique passwords. MyKings uses known weak passwords to attack web services
  • Don’t expose Server Message Block (SMB), Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) and similar remote access services to the Internet
  • Use up-to-date security software. Sophos Intercept X provides protection at several points

À propos de Sophos

Sophos est un leader mondial innovant dans le domaine des solutions de sécurité avancées qui neutralisent les cyberattaques. La Société a fait l’acquisition de Secureworks en février 2025, réunissant ainsi deux pionniers qui ont redéfini l’industrie de la cybersécurité grâce à leurs services, technologies et produits innovants, optimisés par l’intelligence artificielle native. 
Sophos est désormais le plus grand fournisseur spécialisé de services de détection et réponse managées (MDR) protégeant plus de 28,000 organisations à travers et d’autres services, son portefeuille complet comprend les solutions de sécurité de pointe pour les endpoints, les réseaux, les emails et le cloud, qui interagissent et s’adaptent dynamiquement pour assurer une défense efficace via la plateforme Sophos Central.  
Secureworks apporte à cette alliance ses technologies innovantes et leaders sur le marché, notamment Taegis XDR/MDR, la détection et réponse aux menaces sur l’identité (ITDR), des capacités SIEM nouvelle génération, la gestion des risques ainsi qu’un ensemble complet de services de conseil en cybersécurité.  
Sophos commercialise l’ensemble de ces solutions à travers un réseau mondial de revendeurs, de fournisseurs de services managés (MSP) et de fournisseurs de services de sécurité managés (MSSP), protégeant plus de 600 000 entreprises contre le phishing, les ransomwares, le vol de données et d’autres cybermenaces, qu’elles soient quotidiennes ou menées par des Etats-nations.  
Toutes les solutions sont alimentées par des renseignements sur les menaces en temps réel et historiques issus de Sophos X-Ops et de la Counter Threat Unit (CTU) récemment intégrée.  
Le siège social de Sophos est situé à Oxford, au Royaume-Uni. Pour plus d’informations, consultez le site sophos.fr.