Growing enterprise mobility drives demand for improved cybersecurity control and threat insights

Oxford, U.K. — 2月 25, 2019 —

Sophos (LSE: SOPH), a global leader in network and endpoint security, today announced the integration of  Sophos Mobile Security with Microsoft Intune. The integration will enable Microsoft Intune customers, running Sophos Mobile Security 9.0, to configure access controls fed by the latest mobile device threat information, enabling employees to work and access data securely from any device or location while maintaining corporate compliance.

Running on Microsoft Azure, the Sophos integration will enable IT administrators to configure individual device usage policies within Microsoft Intune to enable employees to be productive and work from the devices and applications they prefer, while ensuring corporate data compliance. If an individual endpoint is compromised, Administrators will have access to detailed security insights from Sophos Mobile Security to enable them to more effectively decide when to lockdown an individual endpoint and deny access corporate data. 

“As we move towards zero trust networking, enhanced conditional access is crucial. With remote working on the increase and the knock-on effect that has on corporate data access across a variety of mobile devices, there is a growing requirement to enable user productivity without compromising data security,” commented Dan Schiappa, chief product officer at Sophos. “Understanding and managing security threats is central to this operating environment and our integration with Microsoft delivers on this requirement. By offering detailed threat insights relating to individual mobile endpoints, IT administrators can make more informed choices on whether to block a device from network access. By giving administrators that extra context, access denial can be more effectively restricted to ensure productivity is only impacted where necessary.”

“In today’s increasingly mobile environment, more granular context is becoming essential to ensure networks are less easily compromised by malware or potentially unwanted content,” said Ryan McGee, Director, Microsoft Security Marketing at Microsoft Corp. “Integrations with security solution providers like Sophos are important to us. We are excited to extend the capabilities of the Microsoft Intune solution to deliver improved security posture to our customers.” 

Sophos Mobile Security runs on both Android and iOS devices and can share threat details with Microsoft to provide that extra bit of context.  Conditional Access policies can now take threat detections from Sophos into consideration when deciding whether to allow access to requested resources.

Sophos Mobile Security is available now for Android and iOS.  Licences can be purchased through registered Sophos partners worldwide to enable centralised configuration and the Microsoft Intune integration. Additional information can be found on To sign up for a free 30 day trial, click here.


ソフォスは、サイバー攻撃に打ち勝つための高度なセキュリティソリューションのグローバルリーダーです。2025年2月にセキュアワークスを買収し、MDRを中心にAIに最適化されたサービス、テクノロジー、製品を提供するサイバーセキュリティ業界の先駆者として、新たな展開を迎えました。ソフォスは現在、28,000以上の組織をサポートする世界最大のMDR(Managed Detection and Response)プロバイダーとなりました。ソフォスのポートフォリオには、先進的エンドポイントやネットワーク、メール、クラウドセキュリティが含まれ、Sophos Centralプラットフォームを通じて統合的防御を提供しています。セキュアワークスは、Taegis、ID脅威検出と対応(ITDR)、次世代 SIEM、リスク管理、包括的なアドバイザリーサービスを提供しています。ソフォスは、これらすべてのソリューションを、世界中のリセラーパートナー、マネージドサービスプロバイダー(MSP)、マネージドセキュリティサービスプロバイダー(MSSP)を通じて提供することで、フィッシング、ランサムウェア、データ盗難、などの日常的なサイバー犯罪や、国家主導型サイバー攻撃から世界60万以上の組織を守っています。このソリューションは、Sophos X-Opsによる脅威インテリジェスと、新たに統合されたCounter Threat Unit (CTU) のデータによって強化されます。ソフォスは英国オックスフォードに本社を置いています。詳細は をご覧ください。