Solution Providers Vote Sophos the Best in All Three Security Categories – Network, Endpoint and Data - and All 12 of their Subcategories

Burlington, Mass. — 8月 11, 2019 —

Sophos (LSE: SOPH), a global leader in network and endpoint security, has once again swept the CRN® Annual Report Card (ARC) awards, due to its innovation, product strength and channel leadership. For six consecutive years, Sophos has been voted the industry’s best in network security. For two years running, the company has been recognized as having the best endpoint security. This year, Sophos was also named the overall winner in data security, which recognizes stellar encryption technology that prevents compromises or unauthorized access.

Sophos additionally ranked highest across all 12 of the security subcategories, including Managed and Cloud Services, based on solution provider satisfaction.

 “Sophos is unrelenting in its commitment to arming channel partners with the industry’s best portfolio of next generation cybersecurity solutions,” said Erin Malone, vice president of sales, North America, Sophos. “We put our partners first in everything we do, and we’re constantly innovating to protect against the most advanced threats. We accept this honor on behalf of our channel partners, who are on the front lines solving real world security challenges.”

The CRN 2019 ARC awards recognize vendors for outstanding channel performance, while also providing the channel community with the solution provider feedback that’s essential for refining vendor product offerings, enhancing support and improving partner communications. Winners are determined from the results of an in-depth, invitation-only survey of more than 3,000 solution providers conducted by The Channel Company’s research team.

"Channel innovation is essential to progressing and advancing new technology, and we're thrilled to be able to recognize these vendors who are exceeding expectations by delivering high-quality offerings to their channel partners," said Bob Skelley, CEO, The Channel Company. "This award represents the true voice of the channel partners that work with these technology companies and as such, companies included should celebrate the impact they are having on their partner community. We are honored to recognize the best of the best with our 2019 ARC award nominations.”

Winners will be featured throughout The Channel Company’s XChange 2019 conference taking place August 11-13 in Denver, CO. Additional coverage of the CRN 2019 ARC results can be viewed online at and will be featured in the October 2019 issue of CRN.


ソフォスは、サイバー攻撃に打ち勝つための高度なセキュリティソリューションのグローバルリーダーです。2025年2月にセキュアワークスを買収し、MDRを中心にAIに最適化されたサービス、テクノロジー、製品を提供するサイバーセキュリティ業界の先駆者として、新たな展開を迎えました。ソフォスは現在、28,000以上の組織をサポートする世界最大のMDR(Managed Detection and Response)プロバイダーとなりました。ソフォスのポートフォリオには、先進的エンドポイントやネットワーク、メール、クラウドセキュリティが含まれ、Sophos Centralプラットフォームを通じて統合的防御を提供しています。セキュアワークスは、Taegis、ID脅威検出と対応(ITDR)、次世代 SIEM、リスク管理、包括的なアドバイザリーサービスを提供しています。ソフォスは、これらすべてのソリューションを、世界中のリセラーパートナー、マネージドサービスプロバイダー(MSP)、マネージドセキュリティサービスプロバイダー(MSSP)を通じて提供することで、フィッシング、ランサムウェア、データ盗難、などの日常的なサイバー犯罪や、国家主導型サイバー攻撃から世界60万以上の組織を守っています。このソリューションは、Sophos X-Opsによる脅威インテリジェスと、新たに統合されたCounter Threat Unit (CTU) のデータによって強化されます。ソフォスは英国オックスフォードに本社を置いています。詳細は をご覧ください。