OXFORD, U.K. — 2月 8, 2022 —

Sophos, a global leader in next-generation cybersecurity, today announced plans for new data centers in Mumbai, India, and São Paulo, Brazil, in March and May, respectively. The new data centers are planned to enable organizations in these regions to meet strict data sovereignty laws and regulations, which are increasingly required for those in banking, government and other tightly regulated market sectors. The new data centers would expand Sophos’ existing base of data centers around the world in the U.S., Canada, Ireland, Germany, Japan, and Australia.

“As a global cybersecurity leader, Sophos has been at the forefront of helping businesses of all sizes meet regulatory requirements to store data in-country as they rapidly adopt software-as-a-service (SaaS), cloud and hosted services. It can be very costly for businesses if they don’t have the proper data controls and compliances in place, and Sophos recognizes the need to accommodate the fast-moving changes in how the world is accessing and storing data,” said Raja Patel, senior vice president of products at Sophos. “As organizations advance technically with cybersecurity, they should know their vendor and solutions provider take regulations in their region seriously.”  

The new Sophos data centers in India and Brazil would also provide organizations across all industries with the ability to store, manage and access data locally from Sophos Central, the cloud management platform that supports Sophos’ portfolio of advanced, next-generation cybersecurity solutions and services. Products and services with access to the new data centers would initially include Sophos Extended Detection and Response (XDR), Sophos Intercept X, Intercept X for Server, Sophos Encryption, and Sophos Managed Threat Response services. Other offerings within the Sophos portfolio are planned to be enabled over time.

“The data center in Mumbai would help Indian organizations accelerate digital transformation and cloud migration,” said Sunil Sharma, managing director of sales for India and SAARC, Sophos. “India is one of the important markets for us and we have heavily invested in the country. We already have a large base of our research and development in India, and the data center would enable Sophos to further build its leadership presence in the region by providing local data sovereignty and security solutions.”

Sophos is also focused on Brazil, which would serve as a resource for local organizations, as well as Latin American and other international companies planning to do business there.

“Sophos is planning to answer a critical market need for data sovereignty solutions in Brazil, which has strict regulatory requirements,” said Oscar Chavez-Arrieta, vice president, Latin America. “Sophos is experiencing tremendous demand and growth momentum in Brazil and across Latin America, and significant investments are planned to expand and comprehensively address regional data regulations, including the Brazilian General Data Protection Law (LGPD) and Complementary Standard NC-14 regulations. These investments would not only enable organizations to house data in-region to meet compliance, but they would also add capacity for future growth.”


ソフォスは、MDR (Managed Detection and Response) サービス、インシデント対応サービス、およびエンドポイント、ネットワーク、メール、クラウド セキュリティ テクノロジーの幅広いポートフォリオなど、サイバー攻撃を阻止する高度なセキュリティソリューションを提供する世界的なリーダーであり、革新的な企業です。ソフォスは、最大手のサイバーセキュリティ専門プロバイダーの 1つであり、全世界で 60万以上の組織と 1億人以上のユーザーを、アクティブな攻撃者、ランサムウェア、フィッシング、マルウェアなどから保護しています。ソフォスのサービスと製品は、Sophos Central 管理コンソールを介して接続され、企業のクロスドメイン脅威インテリジェンスユニットである Sophos X-Ops を利用しています。Sophos X-Ops のインテリジェンスは、Sophos ACE (Adaptive Cybersecurity Ecosystem) 全体を最適化します。このエコシステムには、お客様、パートナー、開発者、その他のサイバーセキュリティおよび情報技術ベンダーが利用できる豊富なオープン API セットを活用する一元化されたデータレイクが含まれます。ソフォスは、フルマネージド型のソリューションを必要とする組織に、Cyber​​security-as-a-Service を提供します。お客様は、ソフォスのセキュリティ運用プラットフォームを使用してサイバーセキュリティを直接管理することも、脅威ハンティングや修復などソフォスのサービスを使用して社内チームを補完するハイブリッドアプローチを採用することもできます。ソフォスは、リセラーパートナー、MSP (マネージド サービス プロバイダ) を通じて販売しています。ソフォス本社は英国オックスフォードにあります。詳細については www.sophos.com をご覧ください。