Recovery Costs from Cyberattacks Outpace Insurance Coverage

OXFORD, U.K. — 6月 26, 2024 —

Sophos, a global leader of innovative security solutions for defeating cyberattacks, today released findings from its survey, “Cyber Insurance and Cyber Defenses 2024: Lessons from IT and Cybersecurity Leaders.” According to the report, 97% of those with a cyber policy invested in improving their defenses to help with insurance, with 76% saying it enabled them to qualify for coverage, 67% to get better pricing and 30% to secure improved policy terms.

The survey also revealed that recovery costs from cyberattacks are outpacing insurance coverage. Only one percent of those that made a claim said that their carrier funded 100% of the costs incurred while remediating the incident. The most common reason for the policy not paying for the costs in full was because the total bill exceeded the policy limit. According to The State of Ransomware 2024 survey, recovery costs following a ransomware incident increased by 50% over the last year, reaching $2.73 million on average.

“The Sophos Active Adversary report has repeatedly shown that many of the cyber incidents companies face are the result of a failure to implement basic cybersecurity best practices, such as patching in a timely manner. In our most recent report, for example, compromised credentials were the number one root cause of attacks, yet 43% of companies didn’t have multi-factor authentication enabled,” said Chester Wisniewski, director, global Field CTO.

“The fact that 76% of companies invested in cyber defenses to qualify for cyber insurance shows that insurance is forcing organizations to implement some of these essential security measures. It’s making a difference, and it’s having a broader, more positive impact on companies overall. However, while cyber insurance is beneficial for companies, it is just one part of an effective risk mitigation strategy. Companies still need to work on hardening their defenses. A cyberattack can have profound impacts for a company from both an operational and a reputational standpoint, and having cyber insurance doesn’t change that.”

Across the 5,000 IT and cybersecurity leaders surveyed, 99% of companies that improved their defenses for insurance purposes said they had also gainedbroader security benefits beyond insurance coverage due to their investments, including improved protection, freed IT resources and fewer alerts.

“Investments in cyber defenses appear to have a ripple effect in terms of benefits, unlocking insurance savings that organizations can be diverted into other defenses to more broadly improve their security posture. As cyber insurance adoption continues, hopefully, companies’ security will continue to improve. Cyber insurance won’t make ransomware attacks disappear, but it could very well be part of the solution,” said Wisniewski.

Data for the Cyber Insurance and Cyber Defenses 2024: Lessons from IT and Cybersecurity Leaders report comes from a vendor-agnostic survey of 5,000 cybersecurity/IT leaders conducted between January and February 2024. Respondents were based in 14 countries across the Americas, EMEA and Asia Pacific. Organizations surveyed had between 100 and 5,000 employees, and revenue ranged from less than $10 million to more than $5 billion.

Read the full “Cyber Insurance and Cyber Defenses 2024: Lessons from IT and Cybersecurity Leaders,” on for additional global findings and data by sector.



ソフォスは、MDR (Managed Detection and Response) サービス、インシデント対応サービス、およびエンドポイント、ネットワーク、メール、クラウド セキュリティ テクノロジーの幅広いポートフォリオなど、サイバー攻撃を阻止する高度なセキュリティソリューションを提供する世界的なリーダーであり、革新的な企業です。ソフォスは、最大手のサイバーセキュリティ専門プロバイダーの 1つであり、全世界で 60万以上の組織と 1億人以上のユーザーを、アクティブな攻撃者、ランサムウェア、フィッシング、マルウェアなどから保護しています。ソフォスのサービスと製品は、Sophos Central 管理コンソールを介して接続され、企業のクロスドメイン脅威インテリジェンスユニットである Sophos X-Ops を利用しています。Sophos X-Ops のインテリジェンスは、Sophos ACE (Adaptive Cybersecurity Ecosystem) 全体を最適化します。このエコシステムには、お客様、パートナー、開発者、その他のサイバーセキュリティおよび情報技術ベンダーが利用できる豊富なオープン API セットを活用する一元化されたデータレイクが含まれます。ソフォスは、フルマネージド型のソリューションを必要とする組織に、Cyber​​security-as-a-Service を提供します。お客様は、ソフォスのセキュリティ運用プラットフォームを使用してサイバーセキュリティを直接管理することも、脅威ハンティングや修復などソフォスのサービスを使用して社内チームを補完するハイブリッドアプローチを採用することもできます。ソフォスは、リセラーパートナー、MSP (マネージド サービス プロバイダ) を通じて販売しています。ソフォス本社は英国オックスフォードにあります。詳細については をご覧ください。