Sophos Support: Terms & Conditions


When submitting cases to Sophos Support you:

  • acknowledge and agree that Sophos, its subcontractors and its carefully selected third party partners in the anti-virus industry may use your malware samples  indefinitely for the purpose of malware analysis, testing, detection and prevention;
  • acknowledge and agree that Sophos and its subcontractors may use your false positive samples, log files and other submissions for the purpose of product development/enhancement, customer support and to enhance the ability to avoid false positives in the course of malware detection; and
  • warrant and represent that you have removed any regulated personally identifiable information, health information, and payment card data from any submissions or have obtained any required consents and provided any necessary notices to make such submissions.

When enabling Partner Access you:

  • acknowledge and agree that all Partners enabled by you will have access to view any cases, assets, contacts for your organisation. Note:
    • assets owned by you that may or may not be associated to a specific case (Note, asset name may include the term of the license (ex: PHL-NSG Product-QTY:10/07-May-19/02-May-20)
    • case and associated case data, created by you or on behalf of you by Partners you have approved, including: contact name, free text comments, and escalation information if applicable including escalation contact name and free text reason for escalation;
  • acknowledge and agree that enabled Partners will be able to log new cases on your organisation’s behalf as well as resolve or close any outstanding cases;
  • acknowledge and agree that you will revoke access (or request Sophos revoke access) in the event that you no longer wish for the Partner to be enabled for this level of access; and
  • warrant and represent that you have removed any regulated personally identifiable information, health information, and payment card data from any submissions or have provided all necessary notices and obtained all necessary consents to provide access to such data as described above.