Channel Partner Insight Honors Sophos MTR as Innovative Managed Security Service That Advances the Channel

BURLINGTON, Mass.  — Dezember 14, 2020 —

Sophos, a global leader in next-generation cybersecurity, today announced that Sophos Managed Threat Response (MTR) has been named Best Managed Security Services Offering by Channel Partner Insight. Sophos MTR is a winner in the Channel Innovation Awards, which honor organizations for innovative offerings that advance the managed services market into new opportunities and growth.

“Cybercriminals and other threat actors are unrelenting and unmerciful as they continue to target operations of all shapes and sizes, and as evidenced in the Sophos 2021 Threat Report, attackers will continue to get bolder and smarter in the year ahead. It’s critical that organizations – and the partners that they rely on – can not only detect increasingly evasive threats, but also respond to them quickly to minimize harm,” said Joe Levy, chief technology officer at Sophos. “Sophos has long led the industry, and is widely recognized for setting the standard for channel-optimized cybersecurity. Now, we’re tearing down barriers to proactive, human-led security operations, making managed detection and response (MDR) and incident response services available to businesses of all sizes. Sophos’ managed security services answer a growing market need for always-on security, and enable partners to easily start or expand their existing offerings.” 

Sophos MTR is a fully-managed threat hunting, detection and response service that fuses machine learning with human analysis for an evolved approach to proactive security protection. It combines Sophos’ consistently top-rated endpoint protection and intelligent EDR with a world-class team of experts to neutralize the most sophisticated and complex threats that can go undetected. Launched in October 2019, Sophos MTR is now one of the industry’s most widely used managed detection and response (MDR) services with more than 1,600 customers, standing apart with its ability to proactively take action on an organization’s behalf to mitigate threats in real time.

Sophos Rapid Response, as part of Sophos MTR, launched in October 2020 as an industry-first, fixed-fee remote incident response service that identifies and neutralizes active cybersecurity attacks throughout its 45-day term of engagement. Sophos Rapid Response quickly stops security incidents – including ransomware, network breaches, hands-on keyboard adversaries, and more – to minimize damage and costs, and reduce recovery time.

“It has been an incredibly challenging year for the North American channel in 2020. Despite facing adversity, the winners at the Channel Innovation Awards are a testament to how MSPs and the vendors that support them can be a force for good for their customers and wider communities,” said Josh Budd, Channel Partner Insight editor.

Über Sophos

Sophos ist ein weltweit führender Anbieter von modernsten Sicherheitslösungen zur Abwehr von Cyberangriffen, einschließlich Managed Detection and Response (MDR) und Incident Response Services sowie einem breiten Portfolio an Endpoint-, Netzwerk-, E-Mail- und Cloud-Security-Technologien. Als einer der größten ausschließlich auf Cybersicherheit spezialisierten Anbieter schützt Sophos weltweit mehr als 600.000 Unternehmen und Organisationen und mehr als 100 Mio. Benutzer vor aktiven Angreifern, Ransomware, Phishing, Malware und mehr. Die Services und Produkte von Sophos sind über die Management-Konsole Sophos Central miteinander verbunden und werden vom bereichsübergreifenden Threat-Intelligence-Expertenteam Sophos X-Ops unterstützt. Die Sophos X-Ops Intelligence optimiert das gesamte Sophos Adaptive Cybersecurity Ecosystem. Dieses Ökosystem umfasst einen zentralen Data Lake, der eine Vielzahl offener APIs nutzt, die Kunden, Partnern, Entwicklern und anderen Cybersecurity- und Informationstechnologie-Anbietern zur Verfügung stehen. Sophos bietet Cybersecurity-as-a-Service für Unternehmen und Organisationen an, die vollständig verwaltete Sicherheitslösungen benötigen. Kunden können ihre Cybersicherheit auch direkt mit der Sophos Security-Operations-Plattform verwalten oder einen hybriden Ansatz nutzen, bei dem sie ihre internen Teams mit Sophos-Services ergänzen, einschließlich Threat Hunting und Maßnahmen zur Beseitigung von Bedrohungen. Sophos vertreibt seine Produkte und Services über ein weltweites Netzwerk von Vertriebspartnern und Managed Service Providern (MSPs). Sophos hat seinen Hauptsitz im britischen Oxford. Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter