Among Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) Users, 56% Experienced an Increase in the Volume of Attacks and 67% Were Hit by Ransomware

OXFORD, U.K. — Noviembre 29, 2022 —

Sophos, a global leader in innovating and delivering cybersecurity as a service, today published findings of a new survey, “The Reality of SMB Cloud Security in 2022.” The survey found that, among Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) users, 56% experienced an increase in the volume of attacks on their organization when compared to the previous year, and 67% were hit by ransomware. In addition, 59% experienced an increase in complexity of attacks.

For many of these users, a lack of visibility into their infrastructure, unpatched vulnerabilities and resource misconfigurations make them susceptible to various types of attacks, including ransomware. Of those surveyed, only 37% track and detect resource misconfigurations and only 43% routinely scan IaaS resources for software vulnerabilities. What’s more, 65% of cloud users reported not having visibility of all resources and their configurations, and only 33% said their organization has the resources to continuously detect, investigate and remove threats in their IaaS infrastructure.

"It is imperative that security is prioritized as organizations continue to adopt cloud services. This includes implementing traditional threat-based protections, as well as risk-based mitigations. Unpatched vulnerabilities and misconfigured resources are both preventable mistakes and avoidable risks that make life easier for attackers. Most attackers are not unstoppable criminal masterminds, but rather opportunistic cyberthugs looking for an easy payday," said John Shier, senior security advisor, Sophos. “However, the survey also found that more advanced IaaS users are twice as likely to report a decrease in attack impact than beginners, suggesting the appropriate defense mechanisms can go a long way in deterring threat actors. For users who need help, we recommend security services that have the 24/7 experts who can detect and quickly respond to active attacks.”

To learn more about The Reality of SMB Cloud Security in 2022, read the full report on

The Reality of SMB Cloud Security in 2022 survey polled 4,984 IT professionals in small and mid-sized organizations.

Acerca de Sophos

Sophos es una empresa innovadora y líder global de soluciones de seguridad avanzadas para combatir los ciberataques, entre las que se incluyen servicios de detección y respuesta gestionadas (MDR) y de respuesta a incidentes y un amplio catálogo de tecnologías para la protección de endpoints, redes, el correo electrónico y la nube. Como uno de los mayores proveedores especializados en ciberseguridad, Sophos protege a más de 600 000 organizaciones y a más de 100 millones de usuarios de todo el mundo frente a adversarios activos, ransomware, phishing, malware y mucho más. Los servicios y productos de Sophos se conectan a través de la consola de administración de Sophos Central y utilizan Sophos X-Ops, la unidad de información sobre amenazas multidominio de la empresa. La información de Sophos X-Ops optimiza todo el Sophos Adaptive Cybersecurity Ecosystem, que incluye un lago de datos centralizado que se sirve de un completo conjunto de API abiertas disponibles para clientes, partners, desarrolladores y otros proveedores de ciberseguridad y de tecnología de la información. Para las organizaciones que necesitan soluciones de seguridad totalmente gestionadas, Sophos ofrece la ciberseguridad como servicio. Aunque los clientes también pueden gestionar su ciberseguridad directamente mediante la plataforma de operaciones de seguridad de Sophos o utilizar un enfoque híbrido reforzando sus equipos internos con los servicios de Sophos, que incluyen la búsqueda y remediación de amenazas. Sophos vende a través de partners distribuidores y proveedores de servicios gestionados (MSP) en todo el mundo. Sophos tiene su sede en Oxford, Reino Unido. Encontrará más información en