Channel Partner Insight Honors Sophos for Innovative New Offerings That Advance the Channel

BURLINGTON, Mass. — Dicembre 1, 2021 —

Sophos, a global leader in next-generation cybersecurity, today announced it has been named Security Vendor of the Year by Channel Partner Insight. It is honored as a winner of the publication’s 2021 Channel Innovation Awards for providing innovative cybersecurity solutions and services that improve customer defenses against cyberattacks and advance channel growth.

“Today’s cybercriminals are relentless and constantly changing their tactics, techniques and procedures (TTPs) to evade detection and carry out attacks, as detailed in the Sophos 2022 Threat Report,” said Erin Malone, Sophos senior vice president of Americas sales. “Sophos is even more relentless in helping organizations of all sizes fight back. We’re committed to helping partners protect their trusted customers from advanced threats, and we’ve expanded our portfolio of market leading solutions and services to do exactly that.”

Sophos introduced several milestone developments in 2021, including the adaptive cybersecurity ecosystem (ACE). Built upon the industry’s richest data set in Sophos’ data lake, the ecosystem underpins and correlates actionable insights from Sophos solutions and services as well as threat intelligence from SophosLabs, SophosAI and Sophos Managed Threat Response (MTR). The smart ecosystem is always learning and advancing, and enables channel partners to improve security defenses, streamline operations and generate new revenue streams through cross and up-sell opportunities.

New to Sophos’ portfolio is Sophos XDR, the industry’s only extended detection and response (XDR) solution that synchronizes native endpoint, server, firewall, email, and cloud security. Available with Sophos Intercept X, Sophos XDR extends endpoint detection and response (EDR) beyond the endpoint, providing a holistic view of an organization’s environment with the richest data set and deep analysis for threat detection, investigation and response.

The redesigned Sophos Firewall further advances cybersecurity protection for channel partners. New XGS Series appliances deliver unrivaled performance and protection against cyberattacks with industry-best Transport Layer Security (TLS) inspection that is up to five times faster than other models.

“These awards celebrate success in a fast-paced, highly competitive market. What we’ve seen over the last year has shown us that more than ever, being innovative is a real differentiator for customers and growth,” said Nima Sherpa Green, Channel Partner Insight editor. “It’s important to celebrate success, and we want to shine a spotlight on those companies who are leading from the front.”

Informazioni su Sophos

Sophos, leader mondiale nelle soluzioni di sicurezza innovative per neutralizzare i cyberattacchi, mette a disposizione delle aziende un’ampia gamma di soluzioni di sicurezza per endpoint, network, email e cloud al fine di supportarle nella lotta ai cyberattacchi. In quanto uno dei principali provider di cybersecurity, Sophos protegge oltre 600.000 realtà e più di 100 milioni di utenti a livello globale da potenziali minacce, ransomware, phishing, malware e altro. I servizi e le soluzioni di Sophos vengono gestiti attraverso la console Sophos Central, basata su cloud, e si basano su Sophos X-Ops, l'unità di threat intelligence cross-domain dell'azienda. Sophos X-Ops ottimizza l’intero ecosistema adattivo di cybersecurity di Sophos, che include un data lake centralizzato che si avvale di una ricca serie di API aperti, resi disponibili ai clienti, ai partner, agli sviluppatori e ad altri fornitori di cyber security e information technology. Sophos fornisce cybersecurity as a service alle aziende che necessitano di soluzioni chiavi in mano interamente gestite. I clienti possono scegliere di gestire la propria cybersecurity direttamente con la piattaforma di Sophos per le operazioni di sicurezza o di adottare un approccio ibrido, integrando i propri servizi con quelli di Sophos, come il threat huting e la remediation. Sophos distribuisce i propri prodotti attraverso partner e fornitori di servizi gestiti (MSP) in tutto il mondo La sede centrale di Sophos è situata a Oxford, nel Regno Unito. Ulteriori informazioni sono disponibile alla pagina