OXFORD, U.K. — Aprile 5, 2023 —

Sophos, a global leader in innovating and delivering cybersecurity as a service, today announced it is named the only Leader across the G2 Grid® Reports for Managed Detection and Response (MDR), Extended Detection and Response (XDR) Platforms, Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR), Endpoint Protection Suites, and Firewall Software in the G2 Spring 2023 Reports. These categories include the enterprise, mid-market and small business segments, and rankings are based on validated customer reviews.

“As adversaries become more sophisticated and elusive, defenders at organizations of all sizes should implement a defense-in-depth strategy that includes protection, detection and response at every point along the attack chain and covers their entire environment. This layered approach should be inclusive of endpoint security, network security, email security, and cloud security, and augmented by threat hunting and remediation services by subject matter security experts. Attackers have refined their methods so much that this range is necessary to stay secure,” said Raja Patel, senior vice president of products at Sophos. “The fact that IT and security professionals recognize Sophos as the Leader across these key categories is validation that Sophos delivers the best and most comprehensive set of products and services required for modern day cybersecurity.”

Select Customer Reviews

  • Sophos MDR takes threat hunting to the next level. A combination of automated, lead-driven and lead-less threat hunting ensures no threat passes below the radar, and all threats are neutralized before they pose a problem” said an IT manager at an enterprise company
  • “Without their (Sophos MDR’s 24/7 rapid response team), we would not have been able to deal with all the problems that crashed onto us all at the same time. They showed us which priorities we had, which the greatest risks were and which deficits we still had. The monitoring team guarded our infrastructure around the clock and helped to make sure that our IT team got the necessary breaks,” said an EDI administrator at a mid-market company
  • “(Sophos MDR delivers) peace of mind knowing that your environment is being watched 24/7/365 by a dedicated security team. Very helpful to enhance the capabilities of your in-house IT department” said an enterprise customer
  • “(Sophos Intercept X) is an extremely user friendly yet potent endpoint solution… (it) has improved our security posture and given us the flexibility to modify things as we see fit... Its ease of use and access has been a game-changer especially in remote setups and supporting clients in different locations,” said an IT operations manager at a mid-market company
  • “Sophos Firewall is a robust security solution that offers advanced threat protection, easy management, and granular control over your network traffic. Its features help you secure your network, improve network performance, and prevent cyberattacks, making it an ideal choice for businesses of all sizes,” said a network administrator at an enterprise company
  • “Sophos offers us a central management console for all of its products. This makes day to day management and reporting significantly easier than many of its competitors as it covers both hardware stack and software,” said an IT systems administrator at a mid-market company

Sophos Portfolio Overview

Sophos’ robust portfolio of managed security services and solutions – including Sophos MDR, Sophos Intercept X, Sophos XDR, and Sophos Firewall – are part of the Sophos Adaptive Cybersecurity Ecosystem where they share real-time threat intelligence for faster and more contextual and synchronized protection, detection and response. They’re powered by Sophos X-Ops threat intelligence, a cross-operational task force of more than 500 security experts within SophosLabs, Sophos SecOps and SophosAI. 

Solutions are easily managed in the cloud-native Sophos Central platform, where users can oversee installations, respond to alerts and track licenses and upcoming renewal dates via a single, intuitive interface. Organizations can also leverage Sophos MDR as a comprehensive threat hunting and remediation service.

Informazioni su Sophos

Sophos è un leader globale e innovatore di soluzioni di sicurezza avanzate per sconfiggere gli attacchi informatici. L'azienda ha acquisito Secureworks il Febbraio 2025, unendo due pionieri che hanno ridefinito l'industria della cybersicurezza con i loro servizi, tecnologie e prodotti innovativi e ottimizzati grazie all'intelligenza artificiale nativa. Sophos è ora il più grande fornitore di servizi di Managed Detection and Response (MDR), a supporto di oltre 28.000 organizzazioni. Oltre a MDR e ad altri servizi, il portfoglio completo di Sophos comprende soluzioni leader di mercato per endpoint, network, email e cloud security che interagiscono attraverso la piattaforma Sophos Central e innalzano le barriere di sicurezza. Secureworks fornisce l'innovativa Taegis XDR/MDR, anch’essa leader di mercato, l’ identity threat detection and response (ITDR), le capacità SIEM di nuova generazione, il managed risk e un ampio set di Advisory Services. Sophos vende tutte queste soluzioni attraverso partner rivenditori, Managed Service Provider (MSP) e Managed Security Service Provider (MSSP) in tutto il mondo, difendendo oltre 600.000 organizzazioni da phishing, ransomware, furto di dati, altri crimini informatici quotidiani e state-sponsored. Le soluzioni sono alimentate dall'intelligence sulle minacce acquisita storicamente e in tempo reale di Sophos X-Ops e dal Counter Threat Unit (CTU) appena aggiunto. Sophos ha sede a Oxford, Regno Unito. Ulteriori informazioni sono disponibili su www.sophos.it.