OXFORD, U.K. — Febbraio 7, 2024 —

Sophos, a global leader in innovating and delivering cybersecurity as a service, today announced that it is a Leader in the IDC MarketScape: Worldwide Modern Endpoint Security for Midsize Businesses 2024 Vendor Assessment, which evaluates the solutions and business strategies of 16 modern endpoint security (MES) vendors.

Sophos Endpoint defends more than 300,000 organizations worldwide against advanced attacks with anti-ransomware, anti-exploitation, behavioral analysis, and other technologies that stop threats before they escalate. In the report, IDC applauds Sophos Endpoint for including “a more expansive set of protection technologies (host-based firewall and IDS/IPS, device control, DLP, and encryption) as standard features in its endpoint security offering.” In addition, “in the discipline of systematically strengthening customers’ security posture, Sophos has a strong set of features in customer security advisory recently enhanced with an account health-checking feature (detecting and remediating security configuration drift).” The report also praises Sophos for adding “several new capabilities: adaptive attack protection, critical attack warning and data protection and recovery” to further mitigate risks.

With an extensive and expanding range of integrated capabilities spanning protection, detection, response, and recovery, Sophos Endpoint seamlessly integrates with other vendors’ and Sophos products including Sophos Managed Detection and Response (MDR), the most widely used MDR offering. Sophos Endpoint is also the foundation for Sophos Extended Detection and Response (XDR) and Sophos Endpoint Detection and Response capabilities (EDR).

“We’ve strategically engineered our products and services to work together and with third-party systems to create comprehensive, preventive and highly actionable defenses,” said Rob Harrison, senior vice president of product management at Sophos. “We’re also committed to innovation, which is critical for consistent protection against aggressive and determined cybercriminals. Sophos Endpoint protections, specifically Sophos Intercept X, continue to be recognized as industry-leading, which reflects our innovative approach to developing defenses against the latest and anticipated attacker tactics, techniques and procedures, including the recent increase in the deliberate use of remote ransomware to evade detection.”

“Adaptive attack protection, introduced in early 2023, is a demonstration of Sophos’ means to disrupt hands-on-keyboard attackers while minimizing potential disruption to legitimate operations. Tuned to detect attackers pivoting to more aggressive tactics, protection sensitivity is automatically elevated to prevent damage. Once the malicious activity is no longer present, normal protections are automatically reestablished. Sophos critical attack warning alerts security personnel when immediate attack responses are necessary. Responses, estate wide if warranted, can be orchestrated through Sophos MDR, incident response (IR) or XDR.The prevalence of ransomware attacks compels organizations to be prepared to recover,” said the IDC report.

"With their professional and managed security services, expanded product set, and ability to integrate with existing security investments, it's clear that Sophos understands the needs and challenges of a midsize business," said Michael Suby, research vice president, Security & Trust, IDC. "Sophos’s comprehensive approach from prevention through recovery places Sophos on the shortlist of midsize businesses looking for an established and effective partner for security."

Managed in the cloud-native Sophos Central platform, Sophos’ portfolio solutions are part of the Sophos Adaptive Cybersecurity Ecosystem, where security data is collected, correlated and enriched with additional context to enable automatic and synchronized responses to active threats. This platform is further optimized by Sophos X-Ops threat intelligence, a cross-operational task force of more than 500 security experts within SophosLabs, Sophos SecOps and SophosAI.

Informazioni su Sophos

Sophos, leader mondiale nelle soluzioni di sicurezza innovative per neutralizzare i cyberattacchi, mette a disposizione delle aziende un’ampia gamma di soluzioni di sicurezza per endpoint, network, email e cloud al fine di supportarle nella lotta ai cyberattacchi. In quanto uno dei principali provider di cybersecurity, Sophos protegge oltre 600.000 realtà e più di 100 milioni di utenti a livello globale da potenziali minacce, ransomware, phishing, malware e altro. I servizi e le soluzioni di Sophos vengono gestiti attraverso la console Sophos Central, basata su cloud, e si basano su Sophos X-Ops, l'unità di threat intelligence cross-domain dell'azienda. Sophos X-Ops ottimizza l’intero ecosistema adattivo di cybersecurity di Sophos, che include un data lake centralizzato che si avvale di una ricca serie di API aperti, resi disponibili ai clienti, ai partner, agli sviluppatori e ad altri fornitori di cyber security e information technology. Sophos fornisce cybersecurity as a service alle aziende che necessitano di soluzioni chiavi in mano interamente gestite. I clienti possono scegliere di gestire la propria cybersecurity direttamente con la piattaforma di Sophos per le operazioni di sicurezza o di adottare un approccio ibrido, integrando i propri servizi con quelli di Sophos, come il threat huting e la remediation. Sophos distribuisce i propri prodotti attraverso partner e fornitori di servizi gestiti (MSP) in tutto il mondo La sede centrale di Sophos è situata a Oxford, nel Regno Unito. Ulteriori informazioni sono disponibile alla pagina www.sophos.it.