OXFORD, U.K. — 1月 8, 2019 —

Sophos (LSE: SOPH), a global leader in network and endpoint security, today announced that it has acquired next-generation cloud infrastructure security company, Avid Secure. Avid Secure offers an artificial intelligence-based cloud security analytics, compliance, and DevSecOps platform to provide effective end-to-end protection in public cloud services such as AWS, Azure, and Google.

Founded in 2017 by a team of highly distinguished leaders in IT security, Avid Secure uses artificial intelligence and automation to address the real-world challenges of effective cloud security including lack of workload visibility, and the constant monitoring required to stay ahead of today’s sophisticated attacks. Avid Secure is a small, privately owned company with headquarters in San Francisco, Calif. and engineering operations in Gurgaon, India.

“The accelerated adoption of public cloud environments is presenting new data security challenges to organizations. With the cloud workload protection and the cloud security posture management software from Avid Secure, Sophos will expand its current capabilities in cloud security and drive leadership in this growing space,” commented Dan Schiappa, senior vice president and general manager of Products at Sophos. “We welcome the Avid Secure team to Sophos and are excited to bring their transformational technology into our portfolio, strengthening our ability to offer the best protection for our customers’ data on endpoints and networks, wherever their services are hosted.”

“We built the Avid Secure platform to revolutionize the security of public cloud environments in a process efficient way,” said Nikhil Gupta, CEO and co-founder at Avid Secure. “We are proud of our innovative AI powered technology that provides enterprises with end-to-end continuous security analytics, visibility, and compliance to protect their data and maximize their investments in public cloud services. The opportunity to join Sophos in their mission to evolve cybersecurity into an intelligent, integrated system presented a perfect fit for our engineering vision. I, and the whole team at Avid Secure look forward to what we can achieve together.”

Sophos is not releasing further details at this time.

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About Avid Secure

Avid Secure Platform is a next-generation cloud infrastructure security platform that combines deep security expertise with the power of AI to deliver intelligent security analytics, compliance automation, and rugged DevSecOps with a simple to use interface. It is the only agentless platform that secures cloud infrastructure end-to-end - From development to production. Avid Secure helps businesses reduce the time and cost to secure their infrastructure, saves up to 30% on compliance cost, and streamlines collaboration between security and DevOps teams, simplifying cloud security operations. The platform processes millions of metrics in real-time, applying AI models to detect unauthorized and malicious behavior.


ソフォスは、MDR (Managed Detection and Response) サービス、インシデント対応サービス、およびエンドポイント、ネットワーク、メール、クラウド セキュリティ テクノロジーの幅広いポートフォリオなど、サイバー攻撃を阻止する高度なセキュリティソリューションを提供する世界的なリーダーであり、革新的な企業です。ソフォスは、最大手のサイバーセキュリティ専門プロバイダーの 1つであり、全世界で 60万以上の組織と 1億人以上のユーザーを、アクティブな攻撃者、ランサムウェア、フィッシング、マルウェアなどから保護しています。ソフォスのサービスと製品は、Sophos Central 管理コンソールを介して接続され、企業のクロスドメイン脅威インテリジェンスユニットである Sophos X-Ops を利用しています。Sophos X-Ops のインテリジェンスは、Sophos ACE (Adaptive Cybersecurity Ecosystem) 全体を最適化します。このエコシステムには、お客様、パートナー、開発者、その他のサイバーセキュリティおよび情報技術ベンダーが利用できる豊富なオープン API セットを活用する一元化されたデータレイクが含まれます。ソフォスは、フルマネージド型のソリューションを必要とする組織に、Cyber​​security-as-a-Service を提供します。お客様は、ソフォスのセキュリティ運用プラットフォームを使用してサイバーセキュリティを直接管理することも、脅威ハンティングや修復などソフォスのサービスを使用して社内チームを補完するハイブリッドアプローチを採用することもできます。ソフォスは、リセラーパートナー、MSP (マネージド サービス プロバイダ) を通じて販売しています。ソフォス本社は英国オックスフォードにあります。詳細については www.sophos.com をご覧ください。