Wiesbaden, Germany — 四月 25, 2023 —

Sophos, a global leader in innovating and delivering cybersecurity as a service, today announced that it has expanded its Managed Detection and Response (MDR) service with a dedicated team of threat experts in Germany. The new specialists have joined Sophos’ existing MDR team, which consists of security analysts, threat hunters, responders, and other cybersecurity experts who are located around the world. Working together to share threat intelligence, the team provides fully managed 24/7 MDR services that detect, disrupt and remediate cyberattacks targeting companies. The team’s experts are trained to monitor every step of the attack chain to prevent and respond to intruders before they can steal data or execute ransomware.

"Germany has long been recognized as a leader in technology and innovation, making it an ideal location for our newest group of MDR experts,” says Mat Gangwer, vice president, Managed Threat Response at Sophos. “With its robust economy, leading data protection regulations, and focus on cybersecurity, the German market is perfectly aligned with our mission to provide best-in-class Managed Detection and Response services that protect organizations from active adversaries. By opening a dedicated team in Germany, we are better positioned to address the unique security needs of our customers in the region and across the globe. Our expansion into the strong German market also signifies a milestone for our growing MDR services group which already protects more than 16,000  customers."

In addition to MDR, Sophos provides real-time emergency Incident Response (IR) services to organizations that are under active attack and need immediate help neutralizing and ejecting adversaries with a data breach or ransomware as an end game in mind. Sophos Incident Response is listed in the official list of qualified APT response service providers (Advanced Persistent Threat) for KRITIS companies from the Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik (Federal Institution for Cybersecurity).

Both of Sophos’ MDR and IR experts contribute to and leverage Sophos X-Ops, a cross-operational threat and cybersecurity intelligence team with more than 500 specialists from SophosLabs, Sophos SecOps and SophosAI. The new German MDR team will have access to important threat intelligence from Sophos X-Ops and will likewise share its regional data with Sophos X-Ops and other Sophos cybersecurity specialists worldwide.

关于 Sophos

Sophos 是全球领先的先进安全解决方案提供商和创新者,全面安全解决方案涵盖托管式侦测与响应 (MDR) 和事件响应服务,以及广泛的端点、网络、电子邮件和云安全技术。作为最大的纯网络安全厂商之一,Sophos 为全球超过 600,000 家企业和超过 1 亿用户提供防御主动攻击对手、勒索软件、网络钓鱼、恶意软件等威胁的保护。Sophos 的服务和产品通过 Sophos Central 管理控制台连接,并得到公司内部的跨领域威胁情报部门 Sophos X-Ops 的支持。Sophos X-Ops 情报优化整个 Sophos Adaptive Cybersecurity Ecosystem 自适应网络安全生态体系,包括一个中央数据湖,为客户、合作伙伴、开发人员和其他网络安全与信息技术供应商提供一组丰富的开放 API。Sophos为需要完全托管的安全解决方案的组织提供网络安全即服务。客户还可以直接利用 Sophos 的安全运行平台管理其网络安全,或者采用混合方法,为内部团队补充 Sophos 服务(包括威胁追踪与修复)。Sophos 通过世界各地的经销商合作伙伴和托管服务供应商 (MSP) 销售。Sophos 总部位于英国牛津。如欲了解更多信息,请访问 www.sophos.com