减少最大攻击面 — 您的最终用户
钓鱼式攻击是一门大生意。近年来攻击增长创下新高,可靠的安全意识培训计划是任何深度防御策略不可缺少的部分。Sophos Phish Threat网络钓鱼威胁安全意识工具旨在通过自动威胁攻击模拟、优质的安全意识培训和可行的报告指标进行终端用户安全培训和测试。
Phish Threat可提供灵活、自定义的培训课程,提高企业员工的安全意识。
只需单击数次,模拟数百种现实高难度网络钓鱼攻击。在 Sophos,我们的全球 SophosLabs 分析师每天监测数以百万的电子邮件、URL、文件和其他数据点,寻找最新威胁。持续的情报流确保用户训练涵盖当前网络钓鱼战术,通过社会相关攻击模拟模板涵盖从初学者到专家的多种场景并翻译为 9 种语言:

Sophos Central 的有效安全训练部分
利用超过 30 个安全意识训练模块,涵盖安全和合规性主题。Sophos Phish Threat 将测试和训练集成在简单易于使用的活动中,视需要为员工提供现场训练。
提供 9 种语言选择,最终用户将发现训练具有交互性和趣味性,同时您可以享受唯一统一安全控制台 Sophos Central 的优势,提供单个仪表板用于管理网络钓鱼模拟和用户训练,以及电子邮件、端点、移动等安全。

Phish Threat 仪表板提供关于用户易受攻击性的活动结果概览,允许您用实时意识系数数据衡量整个用户组的整体风险等级,包括:
- 高层次活动结果
- 被发现员工和报告人员的组织趋势
- 训练的总用户
- 测试范围
- 上次活动后的天数
Sophos Synchronized Security(Sophos同步安全)将 Phish Threat 与 Sophos Email 关联起来,识别因风险状况而被警告或禁止访问网站的用户。然后您可以让他们无缝加入针对性网络钓鱼模拟和培训,提高意识,降低您的受攻击风险。
从 Outlook 和 O365 报告网络钓鱼
利用支持Exchange 和 O365的 Phish Threat Outlook 插件,将所有员工演进为抵御电子邮件网络钓鱼攻击的主动防线。无需记住具体电子邮件地址,只需一键点击,Phish Threat 就可以确保员工以正确格式向正确目标报告相关信息。
Sophos Synchronized Security 将 Phish Threat 与 Sophos Email 关联起来,识别因风险状况而被警告或禁止访问网站的用户。然后您可以让他们无缝加入针对性网络钓鱼模拟和培训,提高意识,降低您的受攻击风险。
Learn How Phishing Threat Simulation Helps Reduce Your Largest Attack Surface
Attackers relentlessly target organizations with spam, phishing, and advanced socially engineered attacks. 41% of IT professionals are reporting daily phishing attacks on their environments. Your end users are often an easy target and the weakest link in your cyber defenses. Effective phishing simulations, automated anti-phishing training, and comprehensive reporting on your employees’ progress are all available via the cloud from Sophos Phish Threat.
What is a phishing attack simulation?
Phishing attacks are a common way to inject malware and/or ransomware into your IT environment. 66% of malware is now installed via malicious email attachments and advanced spear phishing attacks, costing businesses an average of $140,000 per incident. The bad news is, if you have employees and end users communicating via email, your company is at risk of a phishing attack. The good news is, there’s something you can do about it. A phishing attack simulation educates and tests your end users through automated phishing attack simulations, quality security awareness training, and actionable reporting metrics.
What is Phishing Simulation?
It is a training exercise with the goal of educating your end users, informing and empowering them to spot suspicious emails and report them before they can do any damage to your environment.
What is Phishing Simulation?
Phishing simulation is an important part of a multi-layered phishing prevention strategy. It is a training exercise with the goal of educating your end users, informing and empowering them to spot suspicious emails and report them before they can do any damage to your environment. A phishing simulation will help you answer the vital question: are my employees able to identify a potential phishing attack? Once you have your answer, you can invest in more training and tools to support your end users and prevent future attacks.