Sophos Intercept X Advanced Tops the Enterprise Endpoint Solutions Tested in SE Labs’ 2021 Annual Report

OXFORD, U.K.  — Novembre 18, 2021 —

Sophos, a global leader in next-generation cybersecurity, has been ranked the Best Enterprise Endpoint security by SE Labs in its 2021 Annual Report. SE Labs regularly assesses security products to discover how they handle threats and targeted attacks. In its annual report for 2021, SE Labs recognizes Intercept X Advanced as the industry’s top endpoint security solution based on its advanced protection capabilities and high rate of accuracy.

“The cyberthreat landscape continues to change, as evidenced by Sophos’ 2022 Threat Report, including attacks such as ransomware, which is becoming increasingly more complex and harder to detect,” said Dan Schiappa, chief product officer at Sophos. “Hands-on-keyboard attackers are continuously developing toolsets to breach networks and evade detection. Attackers are also abusing legitimate tools, which allow them to change direction mid-attack if they encounter an obstacle or move around undetected. This is why organizations need defense-in-depth and advanced security technologies, so they can prevent, detect and respond to threats from many directions. Sophos Intercept X is such a solution and Sophos is proud that SE Labs has ranked it ‘best’ among its enterprise industry peers.”

“Sophos has performed constantly well in the most challenging cyber security test available, detecting and protecting against widespread and advanced targeted attacks. Congratulations on winning the award for Best Enterprise Endpoint 2021,” said Simon Edwards, CEO, SE Labs.

Sophos Intercept X is one of the industry’s most sophisticated endpoint security solution, offering multiple layers of security for unparalleled protection against advanced attacks. It combines anti-ransomware technology, deep learning artificial intelligence, exploit prevention, and active adversary mitigations to stop the widest range of threats. Extended Detection and Response (XDR) integrates network, email, and cloud data sources on top of endpoint and server information, giving users an even broader view of their organization’s cybersecurity posture.

For additional information, go to SE Labs and Sophos News.

Informazioni su Sophos

Sophos è un leader globale e innovatore di soluzioni di sicurezza avanzate per sconfiggere gli attacchi informatici. L'azienda ha acquisito Secureworks il Febbraio 2025, unendo due pionieri che hanno ridefinito l'industria della cybersicurezza con i loro servizi, tecnologie e prodotti innovativi e ottimizzati grazie all'intelligenza artificiale nativa. Sophos è ora il più grande fornitore di servizi di Managed Detection and Response (MDR), a supporto di oltre 28.000 organizzazioni. Oltre a MDR e ad altri servizi, il portfoglio completo di Sophos comprende soluzioni leader di mercato per endpoint, network, email e cloud security che interagiscono attraverso la piattaforma Sophos Central e innalzano le barriere di sicurezza. Secureworks fornisce l'innovativa Taegis XDR/MDR, anch’essa leader di mercato, l’ identity threat detection and response (ITDR), le capacità SIEM di nuova generazione, il managed risk e un ampio set di Advisory Services. Sophos vende tutte queste soluzioni attraverso partner rivenditori, Managed Service Provider (MSP) e Managed Security Service Provider (MSSP) in tutto il mondo, difendendo oltre 600.000 organizzazioni da phishing, ransomware, furto di dati, altri crimini informatici quotidiani e state-sponsored. Le soluzioni sono alimentate dall'intelligence sulle minacce acquisita storicamente e in tempo reale di Sophos X-Ops e dal Counter Threat Unit (CTU) appena aggiunto. Sophos ha sede a Oxford, Regno Unito. Ulteriori informazioni sono disponibili su